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Let's Write: Writing Our Own Novel


Do you love writing? In this FLEX English Class, learners will work on their own novel each week. This is a FLEX course, so learners can join at any point. The classes are designed thematically so learners can work on the topic of the week no matter what stage of writing their novel they are at. This course aims to provide meaningful learning experiences for young writers. Each class will include a range of teaching methods and activities that are designed to engage the learners in both a hands-on and minds-on way. Classes will include discussions, Q&A, quizzes, games, worksheets, songs, videos and much more. Learners will be encouraged to write, revise and share what they write. A variety of methods are used to support learners and cater for different learning styles and needs. Module 1 - Idea Generation: What to Write About? Module 2 - Creating Main Characters Module 3 - Building Conflict Module 4 - Writing Wicked Villains! Module 5 - Setting and Mood Module 6 - Choosing a Point of View

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